Understanding The Process Of Underground Oil Tank Removal

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December 11th, 2020

Oil tanks age over time and eventually that aging can lead to problems. As oil tanks age, they are not as efficient at generating heat for your home. Furthermore, they can begin to corrode which can lead to oil leaks which are an environmental hazard. Thus they do need to be removed and replaced every few years to keep your home safe and protected. If you need to have your underground oil tank, here is everything you need to know about the process.

Hiring An Oil Tank Removal Company

Underground oil tank removal is not an easy task. It is also highly regulated by the government and comes with a lot of health and environmental risks. So it is critical that you work with a professional tank removal service. Selecting the right service is easy. Start by identifying the tank removal services in your area. Then get a quote and ask them about the process, their credentials, and for references. It’s also a good idea to read a little about each company to make sure you are picking the right partner.

Developing A Tank Removal Plan

Once you’ve chosen your tank removal company, you will begin to develop a plan to remove the tank. Your tank removal expert will handle most of the process. They will start by identifying the location of the tank and inspecting the area to understand what is involved in the removal. Then they will explain the process to you and work with you to schedule a time for the removal. They will pay special attention to the location of your utilities to avoid any service disruptions during the removal. Finally, they will get the proper permits in place and find an inspector to make sure there hasn’t been any damage to your property.

The Tank Removal Process

The tank removal process is pretty straightforward and includes:

Removing all product from the tank and properly disposing of it.

Making the tank inert by displacing the oxygen with a non-flammable gas.

Excavating the soil around the tank to gain access.

Removing any lines or dispensers.

Cleaning the tank and removing it from the ground

Identifying contaminated and uncontaminated soil.

Preparing the tank for disposal including cutting the tank up.

Removing and managing any contaminated soils

Sampling and inspecting the soil

Documenting the process.

Once the underground tank is removed, then the installation of the new tank can begin.

As you can see, underground tank removal should only be handled by experts. If you need a tank removed, consider working with our team at Meridian Environmental Services Inc. We have over 50 years of collective experience removing underground oil tanks and know the process inside and out. We’ll remove the tank, inspect and remediate any damage, and help you install a new one. When you’re ready to learn more, give us a call. We’ll be happy to answer any questions and help guide you through the process of tank removal.